The 1st International True Play Conference: Global Conversations on the Future of Early Learning was a minimally-structured, open-ended conference defined by a spirit of love, risk, joy, engagement and reflection held between May 12-15, 2019 in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China.

Nearly 500 Chinese and global experts and Anji Play practice leaders came together to share their work, learn from one another and consider the implications of True Play for the future of early learning and learning generally.

Participants, attendees and guests visited the public early education programs of Anji County and learned directly from the children, teachers, families and administrators who have created a model for global educational change.

During TruePlay2019, the founding membership of the True Play Advocacy Alliance signed and published the True Play Statement. TruePlay2019 also marked the release of the first Chinese language guide to the practice of Anji Play and The Anji Interviews, a collection of interviews with Anji educators and past international visiting educators.

At the close of TruePlay2019, conference hosting duties were officially passed on to representatives of TruePlay2020 Host City Madison, Wisconsin.


 Opening Remarks


 Anji Play: the Chinese Perspective


 Anji Play: the Global Perspective


Chinese and Global Practice of Anji Play


 True Play and Architectural Practice


 True Play and Leading Research


 Models for Global Educational Change


 Closing Ceremonies